Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Strength

As a new mom and learning to adjust to my life changing overnight (literally) I found this morning's reading especially encouraging. I'm prone to grow weary as I begin this new journey of motherhood, but take comfort in knowing Christ is my strength.

"Unchangeable Jehovah
When I am discouraged in my ministry and full of doubts of my self,
fasten me upon the rock of They eternal election,
then my hands will not hang down,
and I shall have hope for myself and others.
Thou dost know Thy people by name, 
and wilt at the appointed season lead them out of a natural to a gracious state by Thy effectual calling.
This is the ground of my salvation,
the object of my desire,
the motive of my ministry.
Keep me from high thoughts of myself or my work,
for I am nothing but sin and weakness;
in me no good dwells, 
and my best works are but sin.
Humble me to the dust before Thee.
Root and tear out the poisonous weed of self-righteousness,
and show me my utter nothingness;
Keep me sensible of my sinnership;
Sink me deeper into penitence and self-abhorrence;
Break the Dagon of pride in pieces before the ark or Thy presence;
Demolish the Babel of self-opinion,
and scatter it to the wind;
Level to the ground my Jericho walls of a rebel heart;
Then grace, grace, will be my experience and cry.
I am a poor, feeble creature when faith is not in exercise,
like an eagle with pinioned wings;
Grant me to rest on Thy power and faithfulness,
and to know that there are two things worth living for:
to further Thy cause in the world, and
to do good to the souls and bodies of men;
This is my ministry, my life, my prayer, my end.
Grant me grace that I shall not fail."

--The Valley of Vision

Baby Girl!!

 Finally getting around to updating the Blog with the big news!

Baby Levi is a Girl!
 Meet little Esther Levi.
Born Friday, August 2, 2013 at 7:18 AM.  7 pounds 9 ounces, 20 3/4 inches tall.

For the past 11 days we've been busy loving on this sweet perfect bundle of joy. She's already getting too much attention and being spoiled! Gifts of pink, girly, frilly things have been pouring in - not to mention Mama had to do a little of her own shopping. So glad I saved up gift cards and cash gifts from baby showers to splurge on all the pretty girly things!
 We had a wonderful hospital birth experience. All natural and just the way we wanted. In the end things got a little rough. This little girl was a little too comfortable and birthing her into the world was no easy task. But in the end all are well and healthy and happy! Praise The Lord!

 One of the many Aunts had the opportunity to come a visit for awhile. She's been enjoying the little girl to and been a big help to everyone!

We've been so blessed by our church family. We had a little over a week of meals prepared for us. Families from the church brought over food and gifts each day of the week. Was such a blessing to get to relax, recover, and love on our little girl without concerning ourselves with preparing meals.
My man has been incredibly amazing from coaching me through labor to do almost all the housework. It's been so wonderful for him to have the ability to take a bit of time off work to stay home and help out and love on Baby!

I'll try to do better in the future about keeping this blog updated regularly!