Friday, January 20, 2012

Pretty AND Functional!

Today I got a few things straitened up and organized a little better - as well as improving the appearance of my cupboards and drawers.

Here are my before photos:

Protein/meal bars in cardboard boxes in my pantry. The bigger box is slightly newer, and the tall, square one has been used for about a year to hold bars, and the edges are worn, torn, and looking ugly.

I was in Family Dollar yesterday to pick up a large storage tote for the Christmas stuff I picked Wednesday marked at 90% off (will post about shopping trip tomorrow). While in the store I found these storage cubes!

For $6 total for all 3 I thought this would work great for my cupboards and pantry!

Here are the after photos:

Much Better!! :)

I did the same with my "sweet stash" That has been kept in an empty cracker box for well over a year. They box is still holding up surprisingly well, but these are much prettier!

Before & After:

I'm pleased with how well these worked!

I also found a set of small plastic baskets in various sizes the cost me $3 for all of them. I used them in my bathroom drawer that was a terrible disaster with no organization at all. Just everything mixed together in the same drawer. I forgot to take a before picture, but just imagine all that stuff mixed up and dumped in the drawer (minus the orange baskets, or course) and you'll have a good visual of what the before looked like.

Here is the after picture! I'm glad I'll be able to find everything and it will be more organized now!!

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